With Australia Post and ReadyToShip you can access shipping solutions for every size business, and deliver to every address in Australia.
The seamless integration between Australia Post and ReadyToShip will streamline your shipping processes to save you time and money.
ReadyToShip provides fully automated label creation for all services provided by Australia Post; whether you choose to connect with MyPost Business, eParcel Contract, or StarTrack. You may even be eligible to take advantage of more than one service to maximise your savings potential.
Australia Post offers a range of shipping options including Standard and Express, within Australia and to more than 220 International destinations. Qualifying businesses also have access to OnDemand Courier services, including residential evening deliveries, within specific postcode ranges in most major metropolitan areas.
In just a few steps, and as little as one day, you can increase your shipping power and reduce your processing time - all by harnessing the power of ReadyToShip and our partnership with Australia Post, giving you more time to spend on growing your business.
Australia Post benefits
Australia Post is fully integrated and works seamlessly with ReadyToShip.
Seamless shipping label automation across all your stores

Here are some helpful links to guide you through onboarding.
- How to connect to MyPost Business and ReadyToShip
- How to connect to eParcel Contract, StarTrack and ReadyToShip
- Apply for a MyPost Business account